"Yours are the eyes with which he looks with compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours."
St. Teresa of Avila

Different Ways of Giving

Through this coronavirus pandemic, a lot has been lost. We've had to lay off some staff members, reduce the wages of others, and suspend nearly all of our parish activities. But God is at work. Now is the time for us to come together as the Body of Christ to life up His Church and support one another.

This pandemic has affected us all in different ways, and some of us may not be able to give financially. That's okay. We are launching a new giving initiative so everyone has the opportunity to give of their time, talent, and/or treasure. While we hope to resume full-time operations as soon as possible, we are in need of help while we get there.


Time & Talent                            Treasure


There are many aspects of parish life that can and need to still continue. Often times, these things require little more than dedication of time and true Christian love. If you would like to give some of your time to support our parishes and community, here are some of the ways you can help:

  • Homebound Ministry & Outreach
  • Parishioner Contact Outreach
  • St. Vincent de Paul Ministry
  • Adoration

If you feel moved to help our parishes in any of these areas, please fill out time and treasure form below. Now is the time more than every to reach out to see how we can help other members of our community, check in on families, and spread the love of Christ.


Give Time



In order to close the financial gap in this year's opperating budget, we need to raise approximately $50,000 per parish by the end of June. A group of anonymous parishioners have stepped forward to match a portion of any donations made through this initiative. In order to have your donation matched, please make sure to select the "Gift of Treasure" option on our online giving portal.

Please prayerfully consider how much you are able to give. Every little bit helps. While we continue to provide live streamed Mass daily, at-home faith formation, virtual student ministry and RCIA, as well as various other groups and activities continuing online, we still have costs to run, even during this pandemic. Any gift would be tremendously helpful and appreciated.


Give Treasure

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"As each has received a gift, employ it for one another as good stewards of God's grace." (1 Peter 4:10)

We all have different talents, each given to us by our Creator to reflect Himseld through all of us. One of the many beauties of the Church is Her togetherness—the fact that we are never alone, and that our gifts come together to serve all in need. Some of our collaborative's needs of specific talents are:

  • Planning and running Vacation Bible School
  • Landscaping and Gardening
  • Cleaning and Sanitizing church buildings

Sign up to give of your talents below.


Give Talent

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