Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

The Eucharistic Minister is adjunct to the ordained minister (priest, deacon, bishop) in communicating the Precious Body and Blood of Christ to His faithful. This ministry is essential as it allows the congregation to receive Communion in a timely fashion, so as not to risk their reverent, prayerful disposition waning due to a prolonged reception line. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Church’s life; the distribution of the Eucharist enables the communion of the faithful with Christ Himself and also signifies communion among all the People of God who make up the Church. First, by the example of their own reverent reception of Communion at the altar, the Extraordinary Ministers set a tone of dignified piety for the congregation to enter into; then, by giving out Communion to the congregants, they generously share the most holy gift of the Eucharist with their fellow faithful.