Volunteer Requirements
Prior to beginning volunteer work, anyone who will be involved in a ministry with minors (those under the age of 18), the elderly, or other vulnerable adults (those who are uniquely vulnerable to abuse because of physical or mental disabilities) must:
- Agree to a Criminal Background (CORI) Check
CORI checks (a check for Criminal Offender Record Information) are mandated by the Archdiocese of Boston. In addition, Massachusetts state law requires CORI checks for volunteers of programs that serve children and volunteers providing services to elderly or disabled persons in a home or community-based setting.
A CORI Form must be submitted every year. CORI's expire on June 30 of each year and a new form must be submitted prior to the start of volunteer work. New volunteers must pass a CORI background screening before they begin volunteering, which means they must submit a CORI form at least 1 month prior to volunteering.
After completing a CORI Form, bring it to the parish office (22 Boston St. Middleton) or plan a time to meet with a staff member to submit the form. Please have your driver's license with you when handing in your CORI Form. A staff member must verify the information provided on your form by checking your license.
For more detailed information about CORI checks, please see RCAB Background Screening.
- Download FY25 CORI Form
CORI Forms for FY25 are valid through June 30, 2025. A new CORI form must be submitted each year.
- Download FY25 CORI Form
- Attend a VIRTUS “Protecting God’s Children” Safe Environment training
This is a seminar on identifying and responding to child sexual abuse. All adult employees and volunteers who have contact with children must complete Protecting God’s Children. The training is an in person, 3-hour training that is scheduled at various locations throughout the Archdiocese on a regular basis.
To find a training session near you, please visit www.VIRTUSonline.org. On the left side of the page click on “First Time Registrant.” Select “View list of sessions” and select “Boston (Archdiocese)” from the drop down menu. This will bring you to a list of all scheduled upcoming sessions. Please make sure to note that there are often trainings in languages other than English. This is specified on the list.This training is live and in person only. Online and Zoom options are no longer provided now that we are again able to gather in person.
VIRTUS Training only needs to be completed once. If you have already completed VIRTUS Training, please submit your certificate to [email protected]. If you have not completed VIRTUS Training in the last 5 years, we encourage you to complete the training again, as some content has changed - Agree to the Code of Ministerial Conduct
This is a set of guidelines that need to be understood and adhered to by all who minister on behalf of the church, including volunteers. All volunteers must read the Code of Conduct and sign a form indicating that they will abide by the guidelines. After reading and signing the Code of Conduct, email it to [email protected] or drop it off at the office (22 Boston St. Middleton). - Submit a Volunteer Info Sheet
- Download Volunteer Info Sheet
- After completing the Volunteer Info Sheet, email it to [email protected] or drop it off at the office (22 Boston St. Middleton).
- Download Volunteer Info Sheet
Adults who need to complete these requirements include, but are not limited to:
- catechists
- teachers
- Eucharistic ministers
- those who visit or bring Communion to the homebound
- ushers, lectors, greeters, and others involved in the Mass
- altar server coordinators
- adult altar servers
- music ministers, choir members, musicians, and cantors
- volunteers at parish picnics, carnival, etc.
- readers at story hour
- leaders of mom's group
- counselors
- chaperones
- youth group leaders
- coaches and assistant coaches
- all parish ministry leaders (both volunteer and paid)
- priests, deacons, and staff members
- anyone who is involved in a ministry to/with minors (those under the age of 18), the elderly, and/or other vulnerable adults (those who are uniquely vulnerable to abuse because of physical or mental disabilities)
- anyone who is involved in a ministry where minors, the elderly, and/or other vulnerable adults may be present in the building or on the premises (this includes any ministry that takes place on or off of church property)
If you have questions about these requirements, please contact [email protected]